Click below to Return to the    | | . . . so did you pass? Driving I-75 is an entertaining adventure, but only if you have a copy of "Along I-75" in your car. The questions to the right are only a few of the fascinating facts you will find in the book. Between its covers, are hundreds of similar I-75 stories and facts - roadside and mile-by-mile all the way down I-75 . . . . . . all there to help keep you entertained on your drive south to Florida. Our book turns a boring drive into a fun trip. | Take this quiz and see if you can pass! - What I-75 related "piece of history" Neil Armstrong took to the moon? (page 77).
- Where can you see dried blood on a Civil War bench - what happened? (page 116).
- Who are the Melungeons. Are they descendents from a long lost colony now living along I-75? (page 101).
- Their adult names are known around the World, but who were the famous Dayton threesome called Ullam, Bubs and Sterchen during their childhood? (page 75).
- Where on I-75 is the birthplace of the Nation's entire interstate freeway system? (page 141).
- Where did Colonel Sanders develop his world-famous fried chicken meal and how did I-75 play a part? Visit his original kitchen (map 53; page 98). Read about how a journalist discovered and made public his secret 11 herbs & spices recipe [page 99].
(page 99). Cincinnati has a derelict subway system with passenger stations and platforms ... and a tunnel exit which can be seen close to I-75. Where is it? (page 84). How blood stains mysteriously grow in a 19th century marble crypt in an I-75 town? Built as a little girl's tomb, whenever a death occurs in this old Tennessee family, the stains grow larger. (page 109). Which 86 mile section of I-75 tracks alongside the 1862 route of the famous General vs Texas Steam Locomotive Chase? (page 117). Where on I-75 you drive right through the center of a bloody Civil War battlefield. Follow the action milepost-by-milepost as you head South. (map 58, page120). | | |